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Fianna Jurdant

Fianna Jurdant

Job title
Senior Policy Analyst
Current employer
OECD - Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division

Ms. Fianna Jurdant is a Senior Policy Analyst in the OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, Capital Markets and Financial Institutions Division. Fianna supports the OECD Corporate Governance Committee, the global standard-setter on corporate governance. She is responsible for the corporate governance accession review of Bulgaria as well as reform projects with the Middle East and Africa, most recently the United Arab Emirates. She also leads the work on women on boards and senior management as well as contributes to the global relations strategy.

Fianna has over 20 years’ experience advocating sound corporate governance policies and practices globally. She has developed coalitions for reform, policy analysis and advice to support implementation of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance in Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East and Africa.

In 2020-2022, Fianna was a Senior Advisor in the OECD Global Relations and Cooperation Directorate, Middle East and Africa Division. In this role, she provided strategic guidance on policy reforms and managed the strategic coordination team collaborating with the Secretary General’s office and other OECD Directorates, promoting the dissemination of the Organisation’s standards and analytical work in the region to increase impact and relevance.

Ms. Jurdant holds an MA from Boston University in International Relations with a focus on international law and economics. She is a citizen of the United States and France, born in Moldova.

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