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George Olcott

Dr. George Olcott

Job title
Board Member
Current employer
Kirin Holdings and Toyota Motor Corp.

Dr. Olcott is Guest Professor at the Faculty of Commerce, Keio University. He completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the impact of foreign ownership and control on Japanese organizations at the Judge Business School, University of Cambridge in 2005. He was Senior Fellow at the Judge Business School until 2013 and Project Professor at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at the University of Tokyo between 2010 and 2013. 

After graduating from the University of Oxford with a degree in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, he spent five years in Hong Kong and Japan working for Cathay Pacific Airways. After completing an MBA at INSEAD in France, he joined the UK merchant bank SG Warburg (now UBS Investment Bank). He spent fifteen years at Warburg, ten of which were in Tokyo. He also spent three years as CEO of UBS’s institutional asset management division in Japan. He left the bank in 2001 to commence his studies at Cambridge.

He joined the board of Nippon Sheet Glass in 2008 and the board of NKSJ Holdings in 2010. He retired from both boards in 2014 and is currently a board member of Kirin Holdings and the Audit & Supervisory board of Toyota Motor Corp. He has also served as an advisor to a number of leading Japanese companies. In the UK, he is a member of the boards of JP Morgan Japanese Investment Trust plc and BlueOptima Limited.

In addition to contributions to leading academic journals and newspapers, he wrote Conflict and Change: Foreign Ownership and the Japanese Firm, published by Cambridge University Press in 2009, with a Japanese version, Gaishi ga Kaeru Nihonteki Keiei, published by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun in July 2010.

慶応義塾大学 商学部 特別招聘教授

日立化成株式会社 社外取締役、株式会社デンソー 社外取締役、第一生命保険株式会社社外取締役、東海旅客鉄道顧問


オックスフォード大学にて政治学、哲学及び経済学の学士号を取得後、キャセイパシフィック航空会社本社(香港)及び東京支社にて5年間勤務。フランスの欧州経営大学院(INSEAD)にてMBA取得後、英国投資銀行SGウォーバーグ(現UBS)にて15年間勤務。その間10年は東京支社にて勤務し、3年はUBS機関投資家向け資産運用部門のUBS アセットマネジメント社(日本)の社長を務めた。2001年ケンブリッジ大学経営大学院進学の為、UBSを退社。

2008 年に日本板硝子の取締役、2010 年に NKSJ ホールディングスの取締役に就任。2014 年に両方の取締役を退任し、現在はキリン ホールディングスの取締役およびトヨタ自動車株式会社の監査役を務めています。多くの日本を代表する企業のアドバイザーとして活躍。英国では、JP Morgan Japanese Investment Trust plc および BlueOptima Limited の取締役会のメンバーです。

主要な学術雑誌や新聞に論文を寄稿する他、『Conflict and Change: Foreign Ownership and the Japanese Firm』を2009年にケンブリッジ大学出版局より出版、2010年には同書日本語版『外資が変える日本的経営』を日本経済新聞出版社より出版。

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